How does a Compressor Savers or Hard Start Kit Work?
Compressor Savers or a Hard Start Kit
What is it?
The compressor saver is an electrical component that is attached to the condensing unit of the air conditioner. This device allows the compressor to start up quickly and use less power during the process. It ultimately lets you save money on your energy bill. A compressor saver is a combination of a relay and a start capacitor.
What Does It Do?
When the air conditioner starts up, the relay is on. This means that the energy being stored in the capacitor is being used to power the compressor. The relay then reads the electrical current from the compressor and upon arriving at a certain level or when the compressor is fully running, the relay is turned off or rendered out of the circuit. This action renders the start capacitor no longer needed to aid the compressor.
Why do you Need One?
At start up, a compressor has to immediately move a great deal of refrigerant through the unit. The metering device has to move the same amount of refrigerant in a liquid form that a compressor moves in a gaseous state. This takes a great deal of force, power, and work. The compressor must be allowed to work in a fashion that moves liquid and gas quickly and efficiently. The compressor must be able to overcome the pressure difference at start up when the expansion valve is a positive shut-off valve.
Final Analysis
In the final analysis, a hard start kit will allow your compressor to last longer, help your AC unit cool down your home more efficiently, and ultimately cost you less money in power bills and the possible maintenance cost of a new compressor down the road.
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