The Cons Of Filtrete Air Filters Found In Costco
Filtrete Air Filters are a popular and top rated brand in the air filtration industry. However, there are some shortfalls of the Filtrete Air Filter.
One Inch Size:
Filtrete Air Filter are only 1″ thick. Filter depth provides more surface area of filter material. More Surface area makes a filter last longer. Even though Filtrete Air Filter say they last up to 3 months, they should be changed more often in most homes. I recommend all 1: filters be changed monthly.
Merv Rating:
Even though Costco Filtrete Air filters are equipped with state of the art filtration technologies, they do not rate as highly as you would think. MERV Rating is a scale from 0-21 with the larger the number the better the performance. Filtrete Air Filter do not publish there MERV rating but based on the charts and data they provide, a Filtrete Air Filter would rate at about a MERV 9. That is good but not as high as the packaging leads you to believe.
The ability to remove very small particles is a very great benefit. Viruses and bacteria are usually only removed by filters with at least a MERV 16 rating. The well-being and health of our families is one major thing that we want to keep intact.
Many Better Options:
If there are odors like cigarette smoke, odors from cooking or baking and/or pet odors, air purifiers can help remove the unpleasant odors and make your air supply more breathable. An air purifier is the killing or neutralizing any living organism that is in the air. Filtrete Air Filters imply that they are as good as air purifiers but are not in the same category or performance arena.
Filtrete air filters are built to work with homes equipped with forced-air heating and cooling systems. Simply put, Filtrete is not the best choice for your home and the air quality inside of it.